Mailing list#

We use Mailchimp to send e-mails to individuals that have signed up for 2i2c’s mailing list.

This is a more attentive and personal audience than our blog, so we use the mailing list to signal boost particularly important information, or to ask others to signal-boost for us.

What to post on our mailing list#

  • Major community updates. Our quarterly / annual community updates that summarize our major progress and challenges.

  • Job postings. When we post a new job, share it with our mailing list and ask them to share it with their networks.

  • Major blog posts. If we write a blog post about our service that is particularly impactful or important, we can post it to our mailing list for extra visibility.

Access Mailchimp#

We have a single Mailchimp account and share access to team members via a single username/password. See Shared bitwarden account for access.

Send e-mails via Mailchimp#

Mailchimp is a little complex for our needs, as it is a full community management and communications service. However, it is still the simplest solution out there so here’s a quick guide on how to use it.

Mailchimp calls each e-mail a Campaign.

To see our preview e-mails: Click Campaigns -> All campaigns. You’ll see a list of the previous e-mails we’ve sent to our communities via Mailchimp.

To create a new e-mail: The simplest approach is to replicate a previous campaign. Go to the list of previous campaigns (see above), click the v next to the latest one, and click on Replicate. This will give you a pre-filled template with the same layout we’ve used before. Replace the content as you wish before sending.

Send new campaigns as your personal e-mail address (if you wish to identify personally with the e-mail), or with

Our contact list#

Users sign up to the newsletter via our landing page’s contact form at Email addresses are imported into Mailchimp for the newsletter. Do not manually add e-mail addresses unless you know somebody wants to be on this list.

To see our contact list in Mailchimp, go to Audience -> All contacts. You’ll see a list of names and e-mail addresses that have signed up for our Mailing list.